Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Collapsing Cake

Today I learned two things: one, that over-beating butter or eggs for a cake can cause it to collapse; two, that Mercury (the planet) is in retrograde, causing everyone to act wacky and make rash decisions and forget how to behave like adults (at least more so than usual). I suppose these two things have absolutely nothing to do with one another, except for some punny connection between retrograding cake batter and retrograding planet (I’ll take it). This means I can blame my poor baking know-how on Mercury moving across retrograde degrees of Scorpio (’s words, not mine).

Check out this opening paragraph from, tweaked slightly to explain my #cakeproblems:  

This is a retrograde when you might lose sight of the oven, as insight comes in that takes time to integrate the egg whites. (Cake) Layers of reality can be revealed that are shocking or unlock what's been too painful to deal with frost. The cake tin comes later, with wisdom and a full sense of full bellies.

Makes perfect sense.

Below is the "before shot" of my collapsed cake. We'll be doing reconstructive surgery tomorrow.

caving in...

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