Saturday, August 25, 2012

To Do List

Things to do on a Saturday in Chicago in late August when it's 95 degrees outside and you're waiting for your roommate to come home...

1. Watch a Instawtch on work computer and eat in bed while you watch it because you're an adult, and you can eat in your bed if you want. Just not when you're a boy and I'm sleeping over.

2. Go to the Chicago Food Truck Fest. Or don't, because it's really hot outside.

3. Decide what you're going to order at tomorrow's brunch at Fred's at Barney's Chicago. Also, decide what you're going to wear. And buy.

4. Make greeting cards by decorating cardstock with nail polish. It's a really great way to use up extra / old nail polish.

5. Take a bath and listen to Band of Horses and talk to your cat. Stay in your towel for at least an hour and a half after the bath ends. 

I did all 5. And watched Austin Powers 1, twice.

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